

  • 2025年02月

    China unfiltered: thoughts on the world’s most dynamic economy from our PROI partner in Beijing (Available in English Only)

    Arthur Hagopian, Senior Director, Global Strategy/Digital for SPRG in Beijing, gave us a fascinating whistle-stop 101 on China’s comms ecosystem, and here are his expert pointers for anyone just discovering this blossoming market.
  • 2025年01月

    Brands turn to short films for Lunar New Year - Why Now? (Available in English Only)

    Increased demand for storytelling and the virality factor of videos on Chinese social media are partly behind the trend’s surge, says Anaïs Bournonville, CEO of China retail development agency AB Advisory.
  • 2025年01月

    A hit on beloved Apple as 'eavesdropping' and 'spying' get associated with US$95m Siri settlement? (Available in English Only)

    Privacy. That's Apple.
  • 2024年04月

    How businesses in China should balance prosperity and ESG (Available in Chinese Only)

    SPRG's Arthur Hagopian on the many benefits of ESG for Chinese businesses, and how they should adopt them.
  • 2024年04月

    Beyond the Great Wall: Navigating global expansion for Chinese businesses (Available in English only)

    Chinese brands seeking success abroad must fully commit to brand building, stay flexible and take ESG seriously, says SPRG Beijing's strategy director.
  • 2024年03月

    Women Leading the Way in Malaysia (Available in English only)

  • 2024年01月

    SAP hands PR duties to Strategic Communications Consultants (Available in English only)

    SAP has appointed Strategic Communications Consultants (SCC), a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based integrated PR group SPRG, to handle all media inquiries and communication initiatives for SAP.
  • 2023年09月

    The Moutai frenzy: Is co-branding a gimmick or strategy for brands to reach new audiences? (Available in English only)

    Arthur R. Hagopian, Senior Director, Global Strategy/Digital of SPRG Beijing, commented on the marketing collaborations between super brands, and how they have been able to effectively attract the younger generations.
  • 2023年09月

    On the Record: SPRG's Vivian Fok (Available in English Only)

  • 2023年05月

    曾立基 - 机械人统治世界|财商纵横 转载自【头条日报即时新闻】查看原帖如下

  • 2023年05月

    曾立基 - ESG由个人做起|财商纵横 转载自【头条日报即时新闻】查看原帖如下

  • 2023年03月

    曾立基 - 外企接踵申港上市|财商纵横 转载自【头条日报即时新闻】查看原帖如下

  • 2022年07月

    明报 - 恒大传播学院因应行业发展 结合商业及科技 培育多元传讯专才

  • 2022年07月

    MARKETEC - HR solutions PERSOLKELLY appoints SPRG Singapore as PR agency of record (只提供英文版本)

  • 2022年06月

    PRWeek - Finn Partners, fischerAppelt, SPRG and Adfactors PR launch four-year scholarship program

  • 2022年06月

    Telum Media - SPRG Asia has partnered with the Future Communicators Foundation to launch a new four-year scholarship programme(只提供英文版本)

  • 2022年06月

    PRovoke - Global Agencies Fund New Future Communicators Foundation Scholarship (只提供英文版本)

  • 2022年06月

    Campaign - Finn Partners, fischerAppelt, SPRG and Adfactors PR launch four-year scholarship program (只提供英文版本)

  • 2022年06月

    MARKETECH - Oddle appoints SPRG Singapore as its B2B PR agency (English available only)

  • 2022年03月

    Marketing - Damage control: ACM and local fashion brand Ong Shunmugam cop flak for race-related comments (English available only)

  • 2022年02月

    CNA - Commentary: Will only a Marvel blockbuster lure movie-goers back to cinemas? (English available only)

  • 2022年02月

    Marketing - Sexist jokes: Are consumers more forgiving towards local brands making them? (English available only)

  • 2022年01月

    Campaign - What will define corporate PR in 2022? (只提供英文版本)

  • 2021年09月

    疫情成发展新动力 (Available in Chinese only)

    选辑自: 头条财经报 财商纵横 - 曾立基
  • 2021年09月

    SPRG(纵横公关集团)自今年八月以来共赢得53个新客户,其中包括Asia Pulp & Paper (金光纸业APP), Atome, HUTCHMED(和黄医药)、Hang Lung Property(恒隆地产)等公司 (Available in Chinese only) (Available in Chinese only)

  • 2021年09月

    Paper Giant APP Retains SPRG For Global PR Support (Available in English only)

  • 2021年04月

    Marketing - Fintech firm Endowus wraps up creative pitch (只提供英文版本)

  • 2021年03月

    明报 - 纵横公关业界25年 建立公司与客户关系 信任成关键

  • 2021年02月

    Campaign China - Montieth & Company縱橫公關集團在香港成立新公司

  • 2021年02月

    PRovoke - Montieth & Co Forms Asia-Pacific Joint Venture With SPRG (只提供英文版本)

  • 2021年02月

    Marketing - SPRG co-launches new agency Montieth SPRG with M&Co (只提供英文版本)

  • 2021年02月

    PRWeek - Montieth & Company and SPRG form joint venture in Hong Kong (只提供英文版本)

    The two agencies have been collaborating for 15 years now and have decided to elevate the partnership.
  • 2021年01月


    曾立基获邀请加入香港中文大学环球校友咨询委员会,任期由2021年起计为期两年。 香港中文大學環球校友諮詢委員旨在集合來自全球各地、從事不同行業和畢業於不同年代的12名校友,作為中大的智囊和大使,以他們所屬領域的專長、寶貴的經驗以及強大的網絡及資源為大學提供不同建議,增強中大在不同領域及層面上的國際地位及影響力,支持大學未來發展。